12 Emerging MarTech Trends for 2023 and Beyond

Certain martech trends will have a huge impact on marketing this upcoming year. So, as 2023 approaches it’s important to take a look at these trends and revise your marketing strategy to create the best outcomes.

Safeeda MS

Feb 17, 2023

Safeeda MS

Digital Marketing Specialist with hands-on experience in SEO, Content Writing, Google Ads and Google Analytics.

Certain martech trends will have a huge impact on marketing this upcoming year. So, as 2023 approaches it’s important to take a look at these trends and revise your marketing strategy to create the best outcomes. We’ll discuss the top martech and marketing trends you should be on the lookout for here.

1. Data-Driven Marketing Analysis

No matter what approach you take to digital marketing, data should be at the center of your campaign. Data-driven analysis takes the guesswork out of marketing and allows companies to directly target consumers who’ll be interested in their products and services.

Really, it’s important that you use this martech to steer your marketing projects in the right direction. Smart digital marketing analysis will zero in on consumer trends and behaviors. Using this data, AI can find the best ways to improve ad performance and make you more money.

AI can even figure out what places and times are ideal for advertisement and help you create geo-targeted ads. The possibilities are endless with data-driven technology. So, make sure you take advantage of this cutting-edge martech.

2. Zero-Party Data Collection

Before you analyze marketing data, you need to have a strategy for collecting it. Personal online data is a touchy subject these days. Many people want to maintain their privacy and want companies to be more transparent about their data-gathering practices. This is why zero-party data collection has started to gain traction as a marketing trend.

In the future, third-party data gathering, like digital cookies, will be phased out. Websites like Google already have plans for getting rid of third-party data sources. That’s why we suggest considering this trending form of data collection.

Zero-party data is a voluntary form of data collection and is considered more trustworthy. It does have its limitations but this collection could help you find valuable consumer info. Some examples of a zero-party collection include digital forms and surveys that you can send out yourself.

3. Video-First Advertising Content

You want to create engaging content that will draw consumers in and get them interested in your brand. But, what is the best way to put ad content out and how can you hold people’s attention in our fast-paced world?

Blogs, emails, and other long-form content were effective in the past. However, a new strategy is needed with gen-Z and millennials. Short-form video content is king on many social media platforms. TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, and other popular sites use short clips and videos to gain views and attention.

The same kind of strategy can be applied to your marketing in 2023. Online users are used to consuming this more fast-paced media. And, other forms of video advertisement can be implemented into your plan. Live Streaming can be another great method to try out in your next advertising project. 

4. Push Notifications

Push notifications were a huge martech trend in 2022. And, this technology will continue to drive digital marketing. With the use of these notifications, you can directly interact with consumers and get your message across.

This technology is great for offering deals, promoting limited services, and enhancing your marketing efforts in general. Best of all, you can send push notifications to multiple smart devices and can even send them when someone is not using your app.

Most advertisers are using push notifications through apps and deliver them daily. But you also have the option to send web push notifications to online users that are on your website. Overall, this is another great option for companies that want to improve ROI and get more engagement with consumers. 

5. Adopting No-Code Technology

Advanced marketing technology has many benefits. However, if you don’t have the resources to handle more complex martech, then you might want to consider using no-code marketing options. There are tons of easy-to-use tools that require no programming experience.

So, even if you don’t have a strong IT background, you can still create your very own apps, websites, databases, chatbots, and other interactive online content. It’s definitely harder to personalize and customize this type of martech. But, if you want to get started and reduce costs, we highly recommend going with no-code tech.   

6. Holographic Advertisements

Companies that have the budget for more eye-striking and advanced ads should consider investing in this next martech trend.

We’ve all seen some of the amazing things digital ads can do in real-world locations. Huge billboards with flashy videos and effects can leave a lasting impression on consumers.

Still, for brands that want to take their ads to the next level, holographic advertisements could help boost brand recognition and create viral moments for companies. Seeing giant three-dimensional images floating around cities and stores might seem far off, but it’s become a reality.

As a result, future marketing campaigns should plan to mesh the real world with the digital one through holographic ads and other high-tech choices, especially if they want to keep up with their competitors. 

7. Interactive Advertising Content

Buying ad space and sending out static ad images won’t cut it in today’s world. To really engage with your target audience and beat your competition, you’ll need more novel content. Interactive advertisement content offers some highly innovative solutions and is becoming a major trend.

There are so many different ways brands can create this type of content. We’ve already discussed some of your options here. Videos are a top way to interact with consumers. But you can also go with more out-of-the-box ideas.

Advertisers are pushing the limits of ads and releasing new content every day. You want to stay ahead of your competition. Just a few types of martech you could use include apps, free webinars, ebooks, emails, podcasts, augmented reality media, clickable ads on social media, games, and quizzes.

8. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality has really taken off in the gaming industry and it has begun expanding into social media platforms like Facebook. As our lives become more integrated with tech, it won’t be long before we find ourselves in a more immersive virtual environment.

More people are interested in inhabiting these virtual spaces, and newer generations like gen-Z and millennials are taking advantage of this tech to improve their lives. More importantly, in the coming years, virtual reality is estimated to be worth billions of dollars.

With more consumers spending time and money in the virtual world, it’s important to incorporate this into your marketing. Virtual reality and augmented reality advertisements are still relatively new, but this is a great investment for any company.

For example, businesses can use virtual reality spaces to show off their products and services. A digital experience like this allows consumers to become more familiar with a brand and what they have to offer.  

9. Hybrid Marketing Events

In-person events are an important part of marketing, but if you want to make a bigger impact you should hold hybrid marketing events. Though COVID has long passed and many people are ready to gather in larger groups, brands are still offering hybrid events.

Having the option to attend something in-person and virtually opens up your event to a more diverse audience. Not everyone wants to risk going to big events during cold and flu season. Other times, people just don’t have the time to travel or attend something in person.

Providing this alternative to your event can also majorly improve your brand image and make your company appear more thoughtful and safety-conscious. 

10. Voice-Powered Chatbots

You want to make sure that your customers can be helped no matter what time of day it is. This way they continue to support your products and services.

Unfortunately, most companies can’t provide 24/7 support, as their agents go home after business hours. Luckily, there is another martech option you can try out on your website that will keep customers happy after hours.

Voice-powered chatbots can be installed on any website. They answer common questions and help consumers navigate your web pages with ease. And, unlike humans, chatbots stay active 24/7.

In addition, with newer technology, chatbots are becoming more life-like and effective. Voice-powered chatbots use artificial intelligence to have full-on conversations with humans. In the future, these chatbots could even become entirely responsible for customer support services.

11. Wearable Marketing

This year wearable marketing has been trending. While the screens for these devices are often smaller, there is some serious potential with wearable tech.

Some marketers are skeptical of wearable tech and its place in advertising. While smartphones and other devices are easy to target and create content for, wearable ads can be a little more difficult to craft.

In particular, many people simply aren’t knowledgeable about this emerging technology and how it might fit into advertisements.

Virtual headsets and smartwatches could be a great place to start sending targeted messages and ads. Many people use these devices. But advertisers need to consider the voice-control aspect of this tech and include it in their 2023 marketing plan.

12. Streamlined Online Experience

Finally, as we move into 2023, companies should thoroughly examine their websites and other online content. The online experience consumers have with your company matters. And, if it’s hard to browse through your website or find your products, then you could end up hurting your marketing campaign.

Any online content or platforms you have should be streamlined and easy to use. Your customers shouldn’t have to deal with glitches, typos, or pop-up ads that are unrelated to your company. In short, when consumers interact with your brand online they should have a personalized yet simple experience.


Farlyn Lucas works as a freelance writer and manager for a digital marketing consultancy agency. She has a knack for writing on various topics, especially marketing, business, and industry news.

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12 Emerging MarTech Trends for 2023 and Beyond

Certain martech trends will have a huge impact on marketing this upcoming year. So, as 2023 approaches it’s important to take a look at these trends and revise your marketing strategy to create the best outcomes.

Safeeda MS

Feb 17, 2023

Safeeda MS

Digital Marketing Specialist with hands-on experience in SEO, Content Writing, Google Ads and Google Analytics.

Certain martech trends will have a huge impact on marketing this upcoming year. So, as 2023 approaches it’s important to take a look at these trends and revise your marketing strategy to create the best outcomes. We’ll discuss the top martech and marketing trends you should be on the lookout for here.

1. Data-Driven Marketing Analysis

No matter what approach you take to digital marketing, data should be at the center of your campaign. Data-driven analysis takes the guesswork out of marketing and allows companies to directly target consumers who’ll be interested in their products and services.

Really, it’s important that you use this martech to steer your marketing projects in the right direction. Smart digital marketing analysis will zero in on consumer trends and behaviors. Using this data, AI can find the best ways to improve ad performance and make you more money.

AI can even figure out what places and times are ideal for advertisement and help you create geo-targeted ads. The possibilities are endless with data-driven technology. So, make sure you take advantage of this cutting-edge martech.

2. Zero-Party Data Collection

Before you analyze marketing data, you need to have a strategy for collecting it. Personal online data is a touchy subject these days. Many people want to maintain their privacy and want companies to be more transparent about their data-gathering practices. This is why zero-party data collection has started to gain traction as a marketing trend.

In the future, third-party data gathering, like digital cookies, will be phased out. Websites like Google already have plans for getting rid of third-party data sources. That’s why we suggest considering this trending form of data collection.

Zero-party data is a voluntary form of data collection and is considered more trustworthy. It does have its limitations but this collection could help you find valuable consumer info. Some examples of a zero-party collection include digital forms and surveys that you can send out yourself.

3. Video-First Advertising Content

You want to create engaging content that will draw consumers in and get them interested in your brand. But, what is the best way to put ad content out and how can you hold people’s attention in our fast-paced world?

Blogs, emails, and other long-form content were effective in the past. However, a new strategy is needed with gen-Z and millennials. Short-form video content is king on many social media platforms. TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, and other popular sites use short clips and videos to gain views and attention.

The same kind of strategy can be applied to your marketing in 2023. Online users are used to consuming this more fast-paced media. And, other forms of video advertisement can be implemented into your plan. Live Streaming can be another great method to try out in your next advertising project. 

4. Push Notifications

Push notifications were a huge martech trend in 2022. And, this technology will continue to drive digital marketing. With the use of these notifications, you can directly interact with consumers and get your message across.

This technology is great for offering deals, promoting limited services, and enhancing your marketing efforts in general. Best of all, you can send push notifications to multiple smart devices and can even send them when someone is not using your app.

Most advertisers are using push notifications through apps and deliver them daily. But you also have the option to send web push notifications to online users that are on your website. Overall, this is another great option for companies that want to improve ROI and get more engagement with consumers. 

5. Adopting No-Code Technology

Advanced marketing technology has many benefits. However, if you don’t have the resources to handle more complex martech, then you might want to consider using no-code marketing options. There are tons of easy-to-use tools that require no programming experience.

So, even if you don’t have a strong IT background, you can still create your very own apps, websites, databases, chatbots, and other interactive online content. It’s definitely harder to personalize and customize this type of martech. But, if you want to get started and reduce costs, we highly recommend going with no-code tech.   

6. Holographic Advertisements

Companies that have the budget for more eye-striking and advanced ads should consider investing in this next martech trend.

We’ve all seen some of the amazing things digital ads can do in real-world locations. Huge billboards with flashy videos and effects can leave a lasting impression on consumers.

Still, for brands that want to take their ads to the next level, holographic advertisements could help boost brand recognition and create viral moments for companies. Seeing giant three-dimensional images floating around cities and stores might seem far off, but it’s become a reality.

As a result, future marketing campaigns should plan to mesh the real world with the digital one through holographic ads and other high-tech choices, especially if they want to keep up with their competitors. 

7. Interactive Advertising Content

Buying ad space and sending out static ad images won’t cut it in today’s world. To really engage with your target audience and beat your competition, you’ll need more novel content. Interactive advertisement content offers some highly innovative solutions and is becoming a major trend.

There are so many different ways brands can create this type of content. We’ve already discussed some of your options here. Videos are a top way to interact with consumers. But you can also go with more out-of-the-box ideas.

Advertisers are pushing the limits of ads and releasing new content every day. You want to stay ahead of your competition. Just a few types of martech you could use include apps, free webinars, ebooks, emails, podcasts, augmented reality media, clickable ads on social media, games, and quizzes.

8. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality has really taken off in the gaming industry and it has begun expanding into social media platforms like Facebook. As our lives become more integrated with tech, it won’t be long before we find ourselves in a more immersive virtual environment.

More people are interested in inhabiting these virtual spaces, and newer generations like gen-Z and millennials are taking advantage of this tech to improve their lives. More importantly, in the coming years, virtual reality is estimated to be worth billions of dollars.

With more consumers spending time and money in the virtual world, it’s important to incorporate this into your marketing. Virtual reality and augmented reality advertisements are still relatively new, but this is a great investment for any company.

For example, businesses can use virtual reality spaces to show off their products and services. A digital experience like this allows consumers to become more familiar with a brand and what they have to offer.  

9. Hybrid Marketing Events

In-person events are an important part of marketing, but if you want to make a bigger impact you should hold hybrid marketing events. Though COVID has long passed and many people are ready to gather in larger groups, brands are still offering hybrid events.

Having the option to attend something in-person and virtually opens up your event to a more diverse audience. Not everyone wants to risk going to big events during cold and flu season. Other times, people just don’t have the time to travel or attend something in person.

Providing this alternative to your event can also majorly improve your brand image and make your company appear more thoughtful and safety-conscious. 

10. Voice-Powered Chatbots

You want to make sure that your customers can be helped no matter what time of day it is. This way they continue to support your products and services.

Unfortunately, most companies can’t provide 24/7 support, as their agents go home after business hours. Luckily, there is another martech option you can try out on your website that will keep customers happy after hours.

Voice-powered chatbots can be installed on any website. They answer common questions and help consumers navigate your web pages with ease. And, unlike humans, chatbots stay active 24/7.

In addition, with newer technology, chatbots are becoming more life-like and effective. Voice-powered chatbots use artificial intelligence to have full-on conversations with humans. In the future, these chatbots could even become entirely responsible for customer support services.

11. Wearable Marketing

This year wearable marketing has been trending. While the screens for these devices are often smaller, there is some serious potential with wearable tech.

Some marketers are skeptical of wearable tech and its place in advertising. While smartphones and other devices are easy to target and create content for, wearable ads can be a little more difficult to craft.

In particular, many people simply aren’t knowledgeable about this emerging technology and how it might fit into advertisements.

Virtual headsets and smartwatches could be a great place to start sending targeted messages and ads. Many people use these devices. But advertisers need to consider the voice-control aspect of this tech and include it in their 2023 marketing plan.

12. Streamlined Online Experience

Finally, as we move into 2023, companies should thoroughly examine their websites and other online content. The online experience consumers have with your company matters. And, if it’s hard to browse through your website or find your products, then you could end up hurting your marketing campaign.

Any online content or platforms you have should be streamlined and easy to use. Your customers shouldn’t have to deal with glitches, typos, or pop-up ads that are unrelated to your company. In short, when consumers interact with your brand online they should have a personalized yet simple experience.


Farlyn Lucas works as a freelance writer and manager for a digital marketing consultancy agency. She has a knack for writing on various topics, especially marketing, business, and industry news.

12 Emerging MarTech Trends for 2023 and Beyond

Certain martech trends will have a huge impact on marketing this upcoming year. So, as 2023 approaches it’s important to take a look at these trends and revise your marketing strategy to create the best outcomes.

Safeeda MS

Feb 17, 2023

Safeeda MS

Digital Marketing Specialist with hands-on experience in SEO, Content Writing, Google Ads and Google Analytics.

Certain martech trends will have a huge impact on marketing this upcoming year. So, as 2023 approaches it’s important to take a look at these trends and revise your marketing strategy to create the best outcomes. We’ll discuss the top martech and marketing trends you should be on the lookout for here.

1. Data-Driven Marketing Analysis

No matter what approach you take to digital marketing, data should be at the center of your campaign. Data-driven analysis takes the guesswork out of marketing and allows companies to directly target consumers who’ll be interested in their products and services.

Really, it’s important that you use this martech to steer your marketing projects in the right direction. Smart digital marketing analysis will zero in on consumer trends and behaviors. Using this data, AI can find the best ways to improve ad performance and make you more money.

AI can even figure out what places and times are ideal for advertisement and help you create geo-targeted ads. The possibilities are endless with data-driven technology. So, make sure you take advantage of this cutting-edge martech.

2. Zero-Party Data Collection

Before you analyze marketing data, you need to have a strategy for collecting it. Personal online data is a touchy subject these days. Many people want to maintain their privacy and want companies to be more transparent about their data-gathering practices. This is why zero-party data collection has started to gain traction as a marketing trend.

In the future, third-party data gathering, like digital cookies, will be phased out. Websites like Google already have plans for getting rid of third-party data sources. That’s why we suggest considering this trending form of data collection.

Zero-party data is a voluntary form of data collection and is considered more trustworthy. It does have its limitations but this collection could help you find valuable consumer info. Some examples of a zero-party collection include digital forms and surveys that you can send out yourself.

3. Video-First Advertising Content

You want to create engaging content that will draw consumers in and get them interested in your brand. But, what is the best way to put ad content out and how can you hold people’s attention in our fast-paced world?

Blogs, emails, and other long-form content were effective in the past. However, a new strategy is needed with gen-Z and millennials. Short-form video content is king on many social media platforms. TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, and other popular sites use short clips and videos to gain views and attention.

The same kind of strategy can be applied to your marketing in 2023. Online users are used to consuming this more fast-paced media. And, other forms of video advertisement can be implemented into your plan. Live Streaming can be another great method to try out in your next advertising project. 

4. Push Notifications

Push notifications were a huge martech trend in 2022. And, this technology will continue to drive digital marketing. With the use of these notifications, you can directly interact with consumers and get your message across.

This technology is great for offering deals, promoting limited services, and enhancing your marketing efforts in general. Best of all, you can send push notifications to multiple smart devices and can even send them when someone is not using your app.

Most advertisers are using push notifications through apps and deliver them daily. But you also have the option to send web push notifications to online users that are on your website. Overall, this is another great option for companies that want to improve ROI and get more engagement with consumers. 

5. Adopting No-Code Technology

Advanced marketing technology has many benefits. However, if you don’t have the resources to handle more complex martech, then you might want to consider using no-code marketing options. There are tons of easy-to-use tools that require no programming experience.

So, even if you don’t have a strong IT background, you can still create your very own apps, websites, databases, chatbots, and other interactive online content. It’s definitely harder to personalize and customize this type of martech. But, if you want to get started and reduce costs, we highly recommend going with no-code tech.   

6. Holographic Advertisements

Companies that have the budget for more eye-striking and advanced ads should consider investing in this next martech trend.

We’ve all seen some of the amazing things digital ads can do in real-world locations. Huge billboards with flashy videos and effects can leave a lasting impression on consumers.

Still, for brands that want to take their ads to the next level, holographic advertisements could help boost brand recognition and create viral moments for companies. Seeing giant three-dimensional images floating around cities and stores might seem far off, but it’s become a reality.

As a result, future marketing campaigns should plan to mesh the real world with the digital one through holographic ads and other high-tech choices, especially if they want to keep up with their competitors. 

7. Interactive Advertising Content

Buying ad space and sending out static ad images won’t cut it in today’s world. To really engage with your target audience and beat your competition, you’ll need more novel content. Interactive advertisement content offers some highly innovative solutions and is becoming a major trend.

There are so many different ways brands can create this type of content. We’ve already discussed some of your options here. Videos are a top way to interact with consumers. But you can also go with more out-of-the-box ideas.

Advertisers are pushing the limits of ads and releasing new content every day. You want to stay ahead of your competition. Just a few types of martech you could use include apps, free webinars, ebooks, emails, podcasts, augmented reality media, clickable ads on social media, games, and quizzes.

8. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality has really taken off in the gaming industry and it has begun expanding into social media platforms like Facebook. As our lives become more integrated with tech, it won’t be long before we find ourselves in a more immersive virtual environment.

More people are interested in inhabiting these virtual spaces, and newer generations like gen-Z and millennials are taking advantage of this tech to improve their lives. More importantly, in the coming years, virtual reality is estimated to be worth billions of dollars.

With more consumers spending time and money in the virtual world, it’s important to incorporate this into your marketing. Virtual reality and augmented reality advertisements are still relatively new, but this is a great investment for any company.

For example, businesses can use virtual reality spaces to show off their products and services. A digital experience like this allows consumers to become more familiar with a brand and what they have to offer.  

9. Hybrid Marketing Events

In-person events are an important part of marketing, but if you want to make a bigger impact you should hold hybrid marketing events. Though COVID has long passed and many people are ready to gather in larger groups, brands are still offering hybrid events.

Having the option to attend something in-person and virtually opens up your event to a more diverse audience. Not everyone wants to risk going to big events during cold and flu season. Other times, people just don’t have the time to travel or attend something in person.

Providing this alternative to your event can also majorly improve your brand image and make your company appear more thoughtful and safety-conscious. 

10. Voice-Powered Chatbots

You want to make sure that your customers can be helped no matter what time of day it is. This way they continue to support your products and services.

Unfortunately, most companies can’t provide 24/7 support, as their agents go home after business hours. Luckily, there is another martech option you can try out on your website that will keep customers happy after hours.

Voice-powered chatbots can be installed on any website. They answer common questions and help consumers navigate your web pages with ease. And, unlike humans, chatbots stay active 24/7.

In addition, with newer technology, chatbots are becoming more life-like and effective. Voice-powered chatbots use artificial intelligence to have full-on conversations with humans. In the future, these chatbots could even become entirely responsible for customer support services.

11. Wearable Marketing

This year wearable marketing has been trending. While the screens for these devices are often smaller, there is some serious potential with wearable tech.

Some marketers are skeptical of wearable tech and its place in advertising. While smartphones and other devices are easy to target and create content for, wearable ads can be a little more difficult to craft.

In particular, many people simply aren’t knowledgeable about this emerging technology and how it might fit into advertisements.

Virtual headsets and smartwatches could be a great place to start sending targeted messages and ads. Many people use these devices. But advertisers need to consider the voice-control aspect of this tech and include it in their 2023 marketing plan.

12. Streamlined Online Experience

Finally, as we move into 2023, companies should thoroughly examine their websites and other online content. The online experience consumers have with your company matters. And, if it’s hard to browse through your website or find your products, then you could end up hurting your marketing campaign.

Any online content or platforms you have should be streamlined and easy to use. Your customers shouldn’t have to deal with glitches, typos, or pop-up ads that are unrelated to your company. In short, when consumers interact with your brand online they should have a personalized yet simple experience.


Farlyn Lucas works as a freelance writer and manager for a digital marketing consultancy agency. She has a knack for writing on various topics, especially marketing, business, and industry news.