How to Increase the number of photo reviews on your Shopify store by three times?

Whether you work in marketing, sales, or product design, you understand the importance of a quality landing page.

Nafih C

Nafih C


A picture is worth a thousand words, as the adage goes, has never been more true than in the case of visual product reviews. Nearly 70% of consumers value visual information over textual information, implying that your customer-generated review images significantly sway. These visuals grab your customers' attention, but they're often perceived as far more trustworthy than professional product photos.

Why is it important to collect product photo reviews?

Complement your product images

Increase the value of your product page by including professional product photos and real customer photos of the products.

Showcase your product in a different light

People can be highly inventive! So, for example, a customer may have wrapped one of your necklaces around their wrist to create a layered bracelet look and submitted that as their product photo. Customers can now see your product in a new light.

Validate the appearance and quality of your products

Photos submitted by actual customers will demonstrate the actual appearance of your product, such as size, color, or texture.

Photo reviews can influence purchasing decisions

Customers are 32 percent more likely to buy clothing if there are photos of real customers wearing the clothing.

User-generated content influences product purchases for 53% of millennials.

Photo reviews foster trustPhoto reviews on your eCommerce store show that the products look just as good as the product photos in real life! It also assists shoppers in becoming more knowledgeable about the product and more confident in its ability to deliver on its promises.

4 Excellent Methods for Obtaining More photo Reviews From Your Customers

photo reviews on Shopify

1.Make the review collection process more automated.

The most effective way to incorporate visual reviews regularly is to automate the process.

Allow technology to handle the heavy lifting for your team.

Reviewbit is a one-of-a-kind product review app that allows small and large businesses to collect customer feedback via WhatsApp automatically. Reviewbit allows you to increase social proof and customer trust without jeopardizing your brand. Merchants use our simple reviews plugin to collect customer feedback on WhatsApp and Shopify, which helps them increase social proof and sales.

With a high response rate and a 100% open rate, WhatsApp can help you collect reviews from your customers. Because WhatsApp has a high open rate, you can convert all of your orders into reviews.2.To get more helpful photo reviews, be specific with your questions

You'll get more responses if you ask your customers specific questions about the product.

When you ask specific questions, such as "Did you like how your yoga pants fit?" you immediately elicit an answer from your customer.

Targeted questions assist customers in focusing on an important trait, allowing them to spend less time considering all of the features of a product.

As a bonus, this method can help ensure that the reviews and photos you receive cover aspects of the product that potential customers are interested in.

Instead of asking everyone who bought yoga pants how they fit, ask a few customers if the waistband stayed in place during workouts or if the pants warhead well.

3.Contact previous customersMany businesses devise a strategy to obtain more visual reviews and then rely solely on new customers. That means you're passing up a lot of opportunities. Contact your previous customers as well. They can provide valuable insight into the long-term use of your product that newer customers cannot. This closes a common information gap, which prospective buyers appreciate. Everyone wants to know how long their new purchase will last.4.Customers who left a star rating or text review should be followed up again

It is much easier to obtain a photo from a customer who has left a review than it is to obtain one from a customer who has not engaged with your brand.

Every sales team understands that selling to an existing customer is 60-70 percent more likely than acquiring a new customer, which holds for collecting visual reviews. Make it a priority to follow up with customers who have already provided feedback to get the most out of your efforts.

There are numerous reasons why a customer might leave a review or a rating without including a picture. They might not have had the product on hand, or they might have been pressed for time. Just because they didn't provide an image at first doesn't mean they're opposed to doing so in the future. Send a follow-up message thanking them for their rating or review and informing them that they can help even more customers like them by including a photo.

Final thoughts

Encourage your customers to leave a photo review by sending automated Message requests and follow-up messages at the right time. That assures a high number of photo reviews.

If you're worried about missing out on this for your past customers, don't be. To jump-start the review generation process, you can send review requests to past customers up to three months ago.

Experience this excellent WhatsApp review collection app and make your review collection procedure more accessible and time-efficient. More customers like them by including a photo.

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